Archive for April 7th, 2013

7th April
written by Arthur

Breuckelen 77 New York Wheat WhiskeyMy plan was to pick-up a bottle of Bullet Rye (my go to whiskey).  But, once at the liquor store, I got to browsing the bottles of brown and something new in my price range caught my eye.  77 Whiskey hails from Breuckelen Distilling in Brooklyn.  A little post-purchase research shows the distillery is actually walking distance from my apartment.  My initial thoughts were mixed: “awesome, a whiskey from Brooklyn” and “what the hell do people in Brooklyn know about making whiskey.”  As it turns out, they are pretty good at it.

I was underwhelmed by my first sip, but, as my single ice cube melted and the whiskey opened-up, I fell in love.  Every sip is like drinking candy.  Not lemon drop “martini” candy, but a grown-up desert.  The stuff tastes like liquid crème brûlée and butter scotch. (I hate when people get to fancy with their description of booze, but this seriously tastes like decadently sweet and creamy crème brûlée.)  There are also some mild vanilla flavors.  This is a great whiskey to enjoy slow.  People who know me know me know I love whiskey.  I can unequivocally say go and buy 77 Whiskey.  Add a little ice, but only a little.

Next up up? The 77 Corn and Rye Whiskey.

