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November 27th,
written by Arthur

My recent post on Peter Luger reminded me of a trip to the Post House a few months back with my good friend Alex.  Alex lives in California, but he makes a point of stopping at the Post House every time he swings through the city.

Nestled in Midtown, the sophistication that people might miss at Luger’s can be found in abundance at the Post House.  The establishment has a a rich, but simple, elegance that you would expect from a top end Manhattan steak house.  The table clothes are white, the waiters dote, and the clientele is suit clad.  And, as Alex likes to point out, this was one of Bernie Madoff’s favorite haunts.

I had the New York cut, which was, of course, everything that you can hope for in a steak.

Our sides consisted of the creamed spinach and asparagus.  The creamed spinach was a clear home run.  Unlike Peter Luger’s, the Post House’s creamed spinach has visible strands of spinach mixed with a thick cream sauce.  (Luger presented creamed spinach that seemed to be whipped steamed spinach alone.)

But the coup de grâce was Alex’s order of the filet Oscar.  Wikipedia should have a picture of this bad boy under its entry for decadent.  The base is a huge melt in your mouth filet minion which is topped in crab meat, drowned (in the best sense of the word) in a Bearnaise Sauce, topped with chopped asparagus.  I’m sure this dish would infuriate a Peter Luger waiter, who seem to universally believe that a steak should, under no circumstances, be adulterated.  For my self, while I enjoy a great pure steak, this decadent tower of meat and seafood should be on everyone’s culinary bucket list.

In writing this, I learned that the Post House has a $24.07 dollar lunch prefix.  I’m not sure that I’ll spring for the $10 extra for the filet Oscar, but given that this amazing deal is within walking distance from my office I’ll have to find an excuse to try this place again on the cheap.


1 Comment

  1. […] year I had my first bite of a Filet Oscar over dinner at the Post House which inspired a return lunch trip to the same establishment. If you are a meat eater, the Filet […]

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